
Case Studies

How A Fitness Website Earns $14 On Each $1 Spent With Our Chat Tool

How A Fitness Website Earns $14 On Each $1 Spent With Our Chat Tool

Project summary

A health and fitness website helps out the users for effective weight loss, customized diet plan and workout strategy. Nutrition plans are everywhere, but personal touch is a rare thing. It was important for our client that their user support would provide the same kind of experience — with a customer success team distributed among multiple different countries. With our live chat support, the open rate rose up to 10% higher than average. Also, they get 20% more unique clicks than the industry standard.


The company was looking for ways to be closer to their customers and reply to every request as fast as possible. And their small, distributed team meant that they needed a live chat tool that had all the necessary collaboration features and more. The fitness industry suffers from a high churn rate, as people tend to lose their motivation. Our client was looking for a solution that allows them to keep the conversation going even if their customers stopped using the website. That’s why they needed a tool with an ability to set up all kinds of auto messages. Those are chat or email messages that are sent automatically based on a certain criteria, like country, registration date, recent activity or trial status.


We dedicated our agents for voice support and chat support to handle the subscription and billing. Our customer support featured as leaving private notes for the team members inside the conversation, assigning tags and status updates to keep everyone on the same page. Having a detailed customer profile was a great help for their distributed team. We provide them 16 hours of customer service both for voice and chat.


Once our client started to use TalkAgent customer support, they instantly noticed an increase in positive feedback. Consistent and fast service meant that their users were enjoying using the website app and weren’t dropping the program they subscribed for.

Detailed Outcomes

With efficient support workflow, our client observed significantly shorter first response times, which lead to higher customer satisfaction and increased ROI. That made them able to return $14 on each $1 spent on customer support. But as important as it is, an excellent live chat performance wasn’t the only thing they achieved. Being able to send auto messages helped the team retain more customers and increase conversions. The open rate rose up to 10% higher than average. Also, they get 20% more unique clicks than the industry standard.

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