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How Live Chat Augments Your Business Credibility

How Live Chat Augments Your Business Credibility

Many Ecommerce websites have been adding live chat support to their help desk software in order to provide straightaway answers rather than having customers leave their websites. Real-time chatting with a customer support expert not only builds customer’ confidence during their shopping experience but also helps to improve your conversion rates and business credibility. According to a recent survey, 68% of customers engage in live chat and 63% prefer getting back to a website with live chat for repeat purchase.

Live Chat Augments Your Business Credibility

The implementation of live chat service is a few minutes of work. Online Chat has a bunch of integrations ready for the most widely used Ecommerce and content management systems thus augmenting your business credibility. Find below the ways chat support service boosts your business credibility.

A Competitive Advantage

It’s never been more important to stand out among your competitors as nowadays. The amount of business rivals is tremendous and is increasing every day. Not only small and medium-sized businesses are recognizing the importance of providing real-time customer service, but also corporates are using online chat to be one step ahead of the competition.

Increased Conversions And Sales

Having a real person walk you through a purchase adds confidence and customers tend to spend more than the ones who don’t use live chat. A positive experience leads to a higher average order value, thus your sales are directly affected by online chat.

Build Long-Term Relationships

Satisfied, long-term customers are statistically less likely to switch. As an added bonus, they tend to be less price-sensitive. Experts say that customers who feel taken care of, are less concerned about what they are paying.

63% of customers who‘ve used live chat tend to come back rather than the ones who don’t.

Studies show that regular customers tend to buy more often and they are less expensive to maintain because of their familiarity with your business and the processes behind it.

When customers feel their voice is heard and they chat with a person behind the company, it’s more likely that they’ll have a stronger connection with your business and share their positive experience.

Live Chat Users

There are two types of customers who need help and use online chat to get it. The first is potential buyers, and these are the most common situations in which potential online customers use live chat:

  • Want to know more about product specifications
  • Having trouble finding a specific item on a given website
  • Want to compare products

The second group of live chat users are your current customers. The most common reasons why they use online chat are:

  • Want to know the status of their order
  • Want to ask about “Return Policies“
  • Want to report bugs or suggest improvements in your service

Considering the needs and queries of yours customers surely make your business soar among the competitors.

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