
Privacy Policy

To get a clear understanding of how we collect, use, protect or otherwise handle your personal data in accordance with our talkagent.com website, please read TalkAgent privacy policy carefully.

What personal data are we gathering from the people who visit our website?

You will be asked to enter your name, email address, mailing address, telephone number, business name or other information to help with your experience when ordering or registering on our website, as appropriate.

When do we gather information?

When you register, place an order, subscribe to a newsletter, use live chat, phone support, email support or enter information on our website, we collect information from you.

How do we utilize your information?

When you register, make a purchase, sign up for our newsletter, respond to a survey or marketing message, browse the website or use any other features of the site.

We can use the information we collect from you for following reasons:

  • To personalize the experience of the user and to enable us to deliver the kind of content and product offers you are most interested in.
  • To improve our website to serve you better.
  • To allow us to serve you better in responding to your customer service requests.
  • To get your transactions processed quickly.
  • To send regular emails about your order, or other products and services.
  • Follow up after contact with them (live chat, email or telephone inquiries)


How do we protect visitor information?

  • Our website is routinely scanned for security holes and known vulnerabilities so that your access to our site is as secure as possible.
  • We do gather information about credit cards. We use Malware Scanning daily.
  • Your sensitive information is stored within encrypted networks and is accessible only by a small number of individuals who have unique rights of access to these systems and are allowed to preserve confidentiality of information. Furthermore, it encrypts all sensitive / credit information you have.
  • Once a user places an order, enters, submits or accesses their information, we enforce a number of security measures to ensure the protection of your personal information.
  • All transactions are handled by a provider of gateways and are not stored or handled on our servers.



TalkAgent is committed to ensuring your information is safe, stored in our systems. To prevent unauthorized access or release, we have placed in place effective physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to protect and safeguard the information we collect online.

We cannot guarantee that information is protected or transmitted through the Internet. To protect the transmission of sensitive information, we rely on numerous security protocols and systems to ensure the safe storage and transmission of data, including encryption and authentication technologies licensed from third parties.


A cookie is a small file that demands permission to be placed on a hard drive of your device. If you accept, the file will be inserted, and the cookie will help monitor web traffic, or will let you know when you visit a particular site. Cookies allow individual web applications to react to you. By collecting and remembering information about your preferences the web application can tailor its operations to your needs, likes and dislikes.

We use cookies on traffic logs to recognize which pages are being used. It helps us to evaluate web page traffic data and develop our website to tailor it to client needs. We only use this information for purposes of statistical analysis, and then remove the data from the system. Overall, cookies help us to have a better website for you, by allowing us to track which pages you find useful and which you do not.

In no way does a cookie grant us access to your computer or to any sensitive information about you, other than the data that you want to share. You may choose to accept cookies or to reject them. Some web browsers automatically allow cookies however, if you choose, you can typically change your browser setting to reject cookies. This can keep you from using the website to the full.

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